Friday, 7 August 2009

Sex and the City The Movie (15)

I like many other girls and women worldwide have anticipated this film for four years and have followed the progress of it finally making it to the big screen and I am very happy to report that I was not (entirely) disappointed.

Sometimes I hate being a critic because you build up a film so much in your mind and no matter how much you want to fall head over heels (obviously , manolos in this case) I end up picking faults and being too easily disappointed. I went to see the film with a group of mates, (both sexes) and there were actually quite a few males in the cinema too, which was quite surprising. and I don’t think that they had all been dragged by their partners!

Ok, so to the plot. (Yes there is one!) It is four years on from when we left the girls in the big city. Mirada is married to Steve, and lives with their kid in Brooklyn. Charlotte-York-Goldenblatt is still living on the Upper East Side with her adopted daughter Lilly. Carrie is between apartments, a successful writer and with her lobster, John J Preston and last but not least, Sam is in L.A working as Smiths’ agent and living with him too. The usual suspects can be found, Anthony, Stanford, All the partners and even Magda. There are a couple of fresh faces in the form of Carries new P.A. played by a practically perfect, Jenifer Hudson.

Sex, Shoes and the Girls... Relationships, heartbreaks and make-ups and cosmos, clothes and cheeky one liners. The film has everything that the six fabulous seasons’ did and sadly no more than that. All the factors that are expected are there; it is slightly too long at two hours and twenty-five minutes, (so nearly four episodes) but still enjoyable and rarely drags. For some people the film has been fulfilling and everything that they wanted, for others, like myself it was missing something, Also SJP was a producer on the film and her influence is quite obvious... and not in a good way!

My only real actual valid criticism is the fact that it is a tad too predictable, which I was not anticipating and that the (new) ending does not add anything to the story, and how it ended back in 2004.

If you ever watched the show, then see it as otherwise you’ll feel left out. If you haven’t and like chic-flicks mixed with drama, you’ll probably enjoy it and if you hate fashion, flings and feisty women, then really don’t bother!

Amy V Gathercole

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